Monday, April 27, 2009

Violence In North American Society

Aside from the fact that there is multiple factors that contribute to violence in North American Society, these are four that I think are most significant. Drugs and Alcohol play an enormous roll in violence from basically the beginning of time. Some people who use drugs and drink intoxicating amounts of liquor become so inebriated that they cannot control certain decisions they make. Examples are drinking and driving, "bar fights", gang shootings, prostitution, ect. Often dependence on alcohol and drugs can be inherited or affected depending on your background and where you are from. Some people start to experience violence at a very young age and are exposed to abuse through out childhood. This can teach children that violence is okay and tolerated which is the opposite from the truth. Entertainment is a big contributing factor to violence in present day in North America. This includes movies, music, and TV, while one might think it has nothing to do with entertainment, reality is young people especially are influenced by the media. Now a days, it is not rare to watch a movie with horrific murder scenes, and parents allow their children to watch these movies at such a young age. Music commonly includes verses incorporating some sort of violence, and although if you listen to a specific genre of music does not classify a person as being "violent" or "non-violent" people are highly influenced by that. In the end there has always been violence in North American Society and there is no way our society can eliminate violence as a whole, but there are many ways we can control the amount of violence there is going on.