Friday, February 6, 2009

Super Powers

Weather Manipulation
If I could have any super power in the world, I would want the power to be able to manipulate the weather. Weather Manipulation is a type of super power, this power gives you the ability to change the weather by mind. I would love this power becuase if I am sick and tired of winter I could manipulate the weather into being sunny for a day. I would be able to stop thunder storms, natural disasters (ie tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes, tsunamis, and more) which in turn would help out a lot of people who are killed and injured in these cases. If it was foggy out one day and I really wanted to go riding in the nice sunshine I'd use my mind power to change the weather. I chose this super power because honestly I wouldn't really want to have a super power because that defeats the purpose of life. Life is supposed to be about not knowing the future, to be happy, to go through struggles. Having a super power alters the definition of what life should be. And with a power you would use it selfishly which could in turn affect a lot of animals or people who need certain types of weather to survive. I think if I had the power to manipulate weather I would be very stressed out because I'd be worried about altering living things exsistence (like plants, animals and humans) and also in turn could alter the economy.